
Monday, December 5, 2011

Drumroll, please!

We have been looking and looking and looking and looking for a changing table for Scooter. Our original idea was to get a dresser so that Oreo & Ginger wouldn't get into the items on the shelves. But, that wasn't working and since we got the lovely dresser from my co-worker, we decided that we could possibly do the standard changing table since we'll put the diapers in the dresser drawer.

We thought we'd found an awesome deal - $15 for a brand-new one, but we got it home and the leg was broken. We returned it to the store and got this one for $40. Since it retails for twice this amount on-line, we figured we got a good deal. Now, to get the baskets to organize items on the shelves!

This was it -- the last necessary item for the nursery. We'll get the crib from my friend after Christmas and hopefully do the last touches in January after my work baby shower.

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