
Monday, February 29, 2016

At the Park

It warmed up a bit so that we decided to go to the park and play. We're bundled up but not with winter coats so it's a great day! :) We had gotten a cool wagon to use with the boys and got to try it out.  It was a great time!

Friday, February 26, 2016

Eating Dinner

Now that Zachary is sitting with us at the dinner table, I thought I'd share a picture of us eating. He's been eating purees for over a month and enjoys being with us. We're growing up!

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Silly Boys!

Nathan has been wanting to carry Zach but with Zach being about half of Nathan's weight, that isn't really an option.  So, Nathan will pull Zach around a bit (on the bed, etc), but really has no mobility with him.  He does ask to hold him frequently and I couldn't resist this photo opportunity.  As you can see, we have twins! :) Nathan thought it was more fun that Zachy.

Monday, February 22, 2016

Visit to Papa-Nana

Nathan has been asking and asking to visit Papa-Nana's house and it's been quite a while since we've been to their house (Christmas 2014?).  We've met up in Cleveland several times and they've come to us, but we haven't been down to them in a long time.

Unfortunately, on our way down, we got a text that Nana had to take Papa to the after-hours clinic because his shoulder was causing a lot of pain and he'd been sick.  As the weekend progressed, the shoulder pain got better, but the nausea was still there. This changed our plans for the weekend a bit and we stayed closer to the house so that we could come back and check on him.

We did get a few hugs on Papa and ran errands with Nana.  Overall, we had a great time even though we didn't "do" all that was planned.

Thursday, February 18, 2016


Since Nathan got Neck for his birthday, he decided that he'd also like a triceratops.  We had looked in stores but hadn't been successful to find one.  Since Neck came from Amazon, we looked on Amazon for a "peratrops". It came in the mail and he was excited!
 Thanks Nana & Papa!
We were a little disappointed that this is a baby peratrops so we're keeping our eyes peeled for an adult!
[Here he is again-- closing his eyes for every picture!]

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Dino-Loving Boy

Not only did we find a few dinosaur t-shirts that were a good deal, but Nathan got this one from his cousins in South Dakota. I believe that he could wear a dinosaur shirt almost every weekday!  Now the decision is dinosaur or horse!

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Messy Eater

Since he turned six months old, we have been having some cereal and eventually added some vegetables. So far he's turned his nose up at sweet potatoes, has enjoyed green beans, and has been okay with carrots and squash. As you can see, that right hand likes to come help with getting the food to his mouth which basically means that it gets everywhere.

Yum! Yum!

Monday, February 15, 2016

First Valentine's Day

 Playing with the saline 
(unfortunately, it's a daily part of his life)
"Okay. I'll look at you, but no smile!"

Zachy didn't get any valentines at daycare, but we did get them ready for Nathan's class.  Nathan had a party too, but I'm not sure if they did anything more then eat different goodies. Since we don't really do anything for Valentine's Day it was just a regular day.  If no one else said it to you - You are LOVED!  We love you.

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Thursday, February 11, 2016


 "Whatcha doing, Momma?"
"Ummm, whatcha doing?"
"Really, another picture?"
[I was really hoping for a smile, but that wasn't going to happen!]

Wednesday, February 10, 2016


Nathan had his 4 year old appointment today.
He weighed in at 39 pounds and is 41.9 inches tall.
He also had 3 shots. :( Super sad especially since they had said that he wouldn't have any shots at this appointment.

He is drinking with a straw and drinking out of a cup (major accomplishments!). He moved into a booster seat and is pretty proficient with undoing his seat belt. He asks all manner of questions and figures things out pretty quickly.  He loves puzzles and playing on Daddy's mee-ko-o (his tablet). He asks many mornings if we can stay home and relax.  He likes to watch his shows. He still doesn't like when the wind picks up and when it looks stormy.  When he gets punished, he often will ask for Papa and Nana (I guess he thinks you'll help him out?!). He loves loves loves his brother and is Daddy's right hand man.  We are so blessed to have him and see each day how God is working in his heart.

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Birthday Zoo Fun!

We have been talking about getting a zoo membership (which pays for itself in 2 visits!) for our family.  We decided this would be good for Nathan's birthday and throughout the spring/summer/fall. So after church, we headed on our way to the zoo.  It was a beautiful day.
 With the giraffes

 Oh no! Momma & Zach have the gator!
 Nathan enjoyed tremendously taking pictures with his own camera.  
Thanks Uncle Tod and Aunt Chelle for this awesome gift!
[Most were of the ground, but he did get a few good ones!]
 Taking a ride on the train
 Playing with the goats
Zach was wiped!

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Birthday Boy

 Can you believe that our little guy is FOUR YEARS OLD?! 
The silly boy...

 With "Neck" the brachiosaurus

We've got lots of things planned for our special boy and hope things come together well to celebrate him.

Friday, February 5, 2016

Getting Toes!

As soon as his feet are free, Zach's been pulling them up and playing with them. 
What a feat of flexibility!

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Counting Down the Days

We've been doing a strand of links to count down the days to Nathan's birthday.  He's been asking for weeks now if this Saturday was his birthday.  So, each day (or so!) we've been tearing off one link to get closer to the day. 

[While we're dressed, Nathan doesn't yet have his glasses on...]
 Zach's like, "What is going on?!"

Only a couple more days!

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Serious Boy!

Zach is looking fairly serious here which is not the norm for him.  He struggles with waking up in the morning which confounds Nathan because everyone should just wake up and be ready to go! Nathan gets excited when Zach finally opens his eyes and he can begin to play with him.

It's not too uncommon that once we get Zach buckled in his car seat that he'll doze on the way to daycare.  Isn't it amazing how God makes us all different?!