
Wednesday, April 29, 2015

29 Weeks

How could we resist taking a picture with the horsey?!

29 weeks already!  Zach is moving all the time and keeping us on our toes!
[Nathan, of course, couldn't let me do a picture on my own.]

When I went for the ultrasound last week, Zach was measuring at 2 pounds 11 ounces which is the 44th percentile.  I really don't know how accurate this is as there are so many factors to really determine his actual weight.  He looked good and my good friend Mary Rayburn was excited to see him.  Despite having to do have more ultrasounds, it is kind of fun to include different people in the experience. :)  We did work on preparing for Zach, but it's going to have to hold on for a couple weeks as we do the final prep for the yard sale.  Too much fun! :) (not)

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Mowing with Daddy

Nathan has been getting better about not being so scared by the mower and look what he did:

Granted, it was just a couple strips down the yard, but he did it! :)  What a brave boy!  Our neighbor said that we were training him young.  I don't think so!  He's got a long way to go.

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Fire Truck Fun

Nathan's class got to see a real fire engine! They had been talking about fire safety this week at daycare and then got to see a truck up close and personal!

All Nathan would talk about was his friend Sammy.  She's the little girl standing next to him with the black top with the puppy on it.  He would keep saying, "Sammy my friend".  She's just 2 days younger than him and has been in his class since the beginning.

Friday, April 24, 2015

First Blooms

We had to get a picture with the first blooms of the irises!  This has been a standard since Nathan could hardly stand on his own! :)
Evidently they bloomed a little bit earlier this year, and it was cooler than in 2013!

May 1, 2013
He was so tiny! :)

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Happy Birthday!

It's Daddy's birthday!  I think Nathan was more excited than Barry, but we tried to make it be a special day.  We made breakfast burritos and chocolate chip cookies to share at work.  Then we're planning on going to a local Italian restaurant for dinner.

Happy Birthday!!!

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Play-do Fun

Nathan got play-do from his cousins for Easter and has enjoyed playing with it a couple times.  He pulled it out again last night and was making lots of snakes with Daddy!

Emotions ran high this weekend as he fell and scratched up the knuckle on his thumb.  Every time he'd look down at it, he'd cry.  We convinced him finally to have a band-aid (it's so cute to hear him say it!) and he's worn one for periods of time trying to help it heal.  He seemed to be good about it this morning and then jammed his other hand when sitting down at the table.  Ah, the life of a 3 year old!  (There's lots of tears at the Stevens!)

Friday, April 17, 2015

Cat & Dog

You may not be able to tell exactly what these guys are, but it's a stuffed cat (orange) and a stuffed dog.  When we came home last night our neighbor had left a toy for Nathan and the doggy was sitting on top of it.  He then had proceeded to carry these around all night and into the morning.  It's amazing what catches his attention. :)

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Two for Tuesday

April 8, 2012

April 12, 2015

One of Nathan's new things that he's been doing is telling us that he loves us.  Sure, he's mimicked us in the past, but he will initiate it on his own now.  He gives kisses and hugs as well (when he wants to!) and especially wants lots before we leave him at daycare.
He's a keeper!

Monday, April 13, 2015

Fun with a Ladder

The real reason that we borrowed the ladder was to get the bird feeder up in the tree, but it turned out the ladder was a fun thing to climb on and play with.

Silly boys!

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Playing Ball

It was such a beautiful day that after church we couldn't resist playing outside!
Nathan's getting a good handle on kicking and enjoyed playing with this big ball.

Go, Nathan, Go!

Friday, April 10, 2015

Fun in Cleveland, Part 6

After all the other pictures, I realized that I missed these ones from Sunday.
 Nana & Papa
 The Pusch Family
All of us together (where's Nana?!)

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Fun in Cleveland, Part 5

Random pictures:
 Papa got into the action to find some eggs -- you could only get 2 big ones, 4 colored ones, and 4 baseball ones!
 My boys!
 Searching for eggs
 Nana and my niece walking on the uneven bridge while the boys look for the branch to come by.
Oh!  I found one!

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Silly Boy

We tried to get Nathan to pose and this is what we got:

Isn't he just adorable?!  The bottom picture is from my sister... What a cutey!

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Fun in Cleveland, Part 4

Here's a few pictures from the weekend:
 My brother-in-law and niece
 The two cousins playing
 Dropping branches in the water on the one side and then running to the other side to see them come by...
 Holding onto her mommy's leg
Catch us if you can!

Monday, April 6, 2015

Fun in Cleveland - Easter, Part 3

 We had a great Easter with family... Here are a few pictures from the morning.

Looking at his Easter basket

 Ooooo!  Playdoh...
Beautiful family pics due to my sister and her snazzy camera!

 Doing the Easter egg hunt

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Fun in Cleveland, Part 2

As the day warmed up, we went to our cousin's school and played on the playground.
 Who's going to make it to the bottom first?!
 It's a gator! :)
 Swinging -- but he would only stay in one swing for a short time before hopping off.
My sister's family (without her :( but what fun!)

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Fun in Cleveland, Part 1

We went to Cleveland to see our family and play with cousins.  We made it in late Friday night so Saturday was full of surprise when the kids woke up and saw each other!
 Going for a walk
 Practicing on a tricycle
We had a great time!

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Easter Mail Surprise

We got home today and found a big surprise! 

There was a box for Nathan!  He was excited to open it and find the prizes inside.

Thank you Michigan Stevens Family!