
Sunday, November 30, 2014

Decorating the Tree

Since our small group family and our neighbors had their tree up already, it seemed like the thing to do!  Nathan has been excited about the ornaments and touching so this was his chance.
 This side that Nathan kept going to was well decorated - sometimes with 2 ornaments on a branch! He kept wanting to fix them so we'll see how long they stay up.

The cutest thing happened when I put Nathan to bed.  We sing a couple songs as part of our routine and once or twice he's kind of hummed along with me.  But, this last time as I was singing "How Great is Our God", he sang the whole thing with me - even when I sang the hymn "How Great Thou Art".  Wow!  That was awesome! I think that he's finally catching on.  :)

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Turkey Day

Here are my boys, ready for the Lions game...

Don't you just love the turkey hat?!

We didn't get to be with family this year since Barry had to work both Friday and Saturday, but we enjoyed our time together and hung out doing stuff at home for a change.  We got to eat lunch with our neighbors and watch the Macy's parade as well as the football games.  It was a great day!

I'm so thankful for my boys and all that God has done in our lives.  How precious these times are!

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Pajama Day

Nathan was in a posing mood this morning and this is what we got:
[Still can't keep those eyes open when he's got the cowboy hat on! :)]
With his necklace

Today was Pajama & Pizza Day.  Can you tell he was excited about it?! Love these jammies that his cousin passed down.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Two for Tuesday

I couldn't resist a little bit of a throwback...
Saturday, Nov. 22

Nov. 12, 2013

Sunday, November 23, 2014


What do you think?  Does he look like a cowboy?!

Since his biggest fascination is with with horses and farm animals, it is logical that a cowboy is something that he talks about too.  In fact, if you're wearing a hat, he often will say you're a cowboy!

This is a cowboy hat that Barry has that belonged to his dad.  So, even though Grandpa is no longer with us, here's something that Nathan has in common with him! :)

[He's so silly.  Obviously, I couldn't get a picture with him and his eyes open!]

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Leaves, leaves, and more leaves!

Normally, we have raked already one or two times, but the weather hasn't cooperated with us and we got behind.  So, this weekend was a marathon of collecting leaves.  We did the majority of the work while Nathan was napping, and then he helped us finish up with the front yard.
 Thankfully our city comes and sucks the leaves up so we just have to get them in the ditch for collection.

Friday, November 21, 2014

Operation Christmas Child & Chick-fil-A

Since we were with Nana & Papa over the weekend, we missed dropping off our Operation Christmas Child box at church so the back-up was to go to Chick-fil-A and drop it off. Thursday night.  How could we resist?!

 I made the mistake of letting Nathan see what was in the box for the little boy and he had a melt down.  Since it was filled with all things that he loves, of course he would have wanted it!  Anyway.
Then, he was willing to wear the cow hat for the first time!  We were very surprised as he hadn't been willing to wear it before.
Yum, chicken! :)

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Two for Tuesday

This is Nathan's ultimate joy ... Horsies!

Nathan was intrigued with the jump rope and tried real hard to jump.  'A' for effort!

Monday, November 17, 2014

Training him right!

We're starting early with chores... :)

Nathan already helps Barry with putting dishes up after they've been washed, but at Nana & Papa's he helped load the dishwasher! Future husband material there, right?!

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Nana & Papa

We had such a great time with Nana & Papa.  Nathan just loves being with them!

We love you!

Saturday, November 15, 2014

With Papa

We had the opportunity to visit my parents for the weekend.  Barry was having allergy testing done (woo hoo!) and took the day off and I used flex time to get off early, allowing us to get to Birmingham around dinner time.  Nathan got to play with Nana & Papa before heading to bed, too!

Then we woke up and started the day off at Waffle House!  
 Papa and Nathan had "cay-cakes" (That's what Nathan calls pancakes) and surprisingly he ate 3/4 of a whole waffle!  The boy loves his breakfast.
We did projects around the house and ended the day working on a new door for the back.  Fun times!

Friday, November 14, 2014


Oh no!  Where's Nathan?!

Nathan's common response if he doesn't know right off where you are is that you must be hiding.  So, he'll come searching (or enlist your help) and the person should be hiding for him to find them!

Nathan is pretty daring when he hides and will often go in a dark place.  He likes to stand inside the darkened closet and hide or like this time, he sat on the shoe rack and ask you to shut the door.

Boo! :)  

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Cool Sweatshirt

Look at this awesome sweatshirt that Nathan's cousin handed down!!!
There's a barn, cow, and tractor.  
If we could only find a shirt...

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Two for Tuesday

A new fascination Nathan has is with building a barn (or house) out of blocks.  This has been a constant playtime event and involves clean up. :)
Barry and Nathan have it down to a science now and change it up according to the animals to fit inside or whether they want a roof.

Can you catch what Nathan's saying?  (making a door)

Monday, November 10, 2014

Rock Climbing

Did you know that we're rock climbers?
Pretty much every Sunday, Nathan and I climb on the rocks after church.

(Then we have to go and find cows... There are several farms on our way home from church.)

Sunday, November 9, 2014

I'm Here!

Don't I look intimidating?!

Thursday, November 6, 2014


[Sorry for the silly face, but you take what you can get!]

I don't think that I ever took time to explain the results of the eye doctor appointment that Nathan had in October.  At the previous appointment, the doctor had given us a type of vision chart that had pictures that he wanted us to review and identify at the October appointment.  When we went into the office, the tech used those images and others to see if Nathan could identify them as different sizes, etc. When the doctor came in, he was glad to see that Nathan's vision had improved!  He said that he was going to release us from his care and turn us over to an optometrist in the office.  WOW!  We were still anticipating that Nathan would have to wear a patch, but praise the Lord, it looks like that may not happen.  So, we're still diligent in having him wear the glasses and hope that his days are numbered to being glasses-free!

It's also been interesting the number of people who have stopped us and asked how we get him to keep the glasses on.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Wednesday Whimsey

 Helping Daddy tie his shoes

Wearing Daddy's hat

Nathan likes to put on Daddy's hat and will ask him for it when we're in the car.  Pretty cute!

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Two for Tuesday

Ha ha!  Aren't they so cute?

Nathan got a hold of these little baseball hats and was trying to wear it.  Too funny.

Monday, November 3, 2014


Sunday was nice so we went out and played a little baseball!

I wanted to get a video of how Nathan would hit the ball and then run like he was going to 1st base, but I don't think that really is captured here.  Maybe it'll give you some laughs.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Posing with Daddy

Sure enough, those donkeys are going everywhere with us! :)

Too bad Nathan wouldn't look at the camera!  What can you do with the boy? At least he didn't put his hand up in front of his face (which he does on occasion - No picture, Momma!).

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Manger Scene

Happy day!  Nathan finally got the manger scene to play with!  He's talked and talked about the picture that we have of him with it from last year and we decided it was okay to pull it out.

He loves the donkeys and likes to set up all the figures.
Merry Christmas?!

[Sorry for being so delinquent in updating the blog. :(]