Barry had an opportunity to go out with some guys from church Thursday night, so I had the night all to myself. So, guess what I did?! I made cards! I am so behind on getting things done (Scooter zaps my energy, can you imagine that?!) that I've had a couple people that I've intended to do cards for and I haven't. This was the prime opportunity to do it. Plus, I got 2 extra cards made to give in the future.

This one I used pink and brown as my colors. I used the giraffe print as the background and then added three patterned papers in strips down the left side. I wrote a simple message and added a piece of pink organdy ribbon with the friend's initial.

This one has a multitude of papers - 8 total! I used a design template from CPS and based the colors off of the middle paper. I miscalculated the size of the four squares and had to add a piece of black in the middle to make it work. This is just a thinking of you card.

This card is for a friend that just moved into a new house - her first home! I used the blue flowerdy paper as the basis for the other colors. I added the white die-cut flower and a pink jewel in the middle. I wrote "Congratulations!" in the white stripe.

This last card is for a co-worker who just had surgery this week. I wanted to make it cheerful so I used bright colors. I used 4 papers and some purple organdy ribbon. I wrote simply, "Praying for you" and then on the inside, "hoping you feel better soon!"
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