
Thursday, April 25, 2013

Boogie Fever

Well, the sickness is still hanging around.  We made it till 1:30pm on Wednesday until they decided that they'd had enough of Nathan (5 bad diapers).  Barry got him and they had a fun afternoon together (with no problems, either).  This morning we thought all was well -- no bad diapers and just a bit of teething going on.  But, I got a text at 9:30am saying that he had a fever and we needed to get him.  I do believe that it was teething related (because somehow it dropped in the hour it took for me to get to the daycare), but what can you do when they don't want your son at daycare?  It just meant that we got to have some time together!

I found this birthday card in some things I was going through in the office and knew Nathan would love it.  He has a fever, but how much more fun to have "Boogie Fever"?!  We danced to this all afternoon!

We're not even going to try for daycare tomorrow.  Barry'll keep him home and get over this crud!

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