
Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Spring is here!

While we've been doing good to keep the grass cut, that hasn't kept our perennials from growing and reminding us that it's spring.We have two azalea bushes that we got in Leeds last summer. Even though they're small, they'll grow bigger as the years pass.
We've had the iris plants for a couple years and this is the first spring with blooms. I'll have to get a picture when they open. They were given to us from Barry's boss.
We think each year that these won't come back, but here they are again. The hostas have returned!
A beautiful rose! Since we've been at this house, the rose bush has grown quite large. The story is that a family lived in this house for 10 years or so. The mom got sick with cancer and for Mother's Day her children gave her the rose bush. I think it's been about 10 years since it's been here.

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