
Monday, December 30, 2013


Don't you like my new shirt?!
[Momma forgot to take a picture of my new clothes.  Oops!]

We've recently been having a rash of challenging almost 2 years old days.  I don't want to say "Terrible Twos", but it's definitely been a challenge.  Nathan's been hitting, pushing, climbing-all-over-you, throwing things, and generally making it quite clear that he doesn't like the decision you've made.  He is struggling with following simple directions and will run away from you if he can.  

Now is the time for consistency.  We are trying hard not to threaten (I'm going to put you in your crib!), but to be clear in what is expected and follow through with discipline.  Too often he'll turn on the tears and on occasion he'll laugh and try to get you to smile.  But, part of being a parent is doing the hard stuff.  This is definitely not fun!  Please pray with us that we'll be diligent and work together as a team.

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