
Monday, January 28, 2013


 "No, Momma!  I don't want my picture taken!"
"Fine.  Take the picture.  But, I'm not happy about it!"

I couldn't resist snapping some pictures this morning with the "toadally cute" shirt on.  In fact, he smiled big when he saw the frog on his shirt.

I've been very delinquent taking pictures over the last week.  Nathan's been struggling with his teeth (working on 3 teeth that we can see) and just trying to figure out his place as he can do more things.  Mornings have been crazy with lots of tears and whining (shame on Barry! :)!!!) so I've been rushing around and not having a chance to snap a picture or two.  I promise to do better, okay?  Will you pray for us?  We need wisdom as we work through the weaning process and it's been struggle to know what to do.

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