
Monday, August 13, 2012

It's been ONE week!

Six months was August 6 and we started that day with cereal.  Each day last week we had cereal as we're teaching Nathan how to handle food coming on a spoon.
 Today, marked a full week of cereal eating...
Yum, yum!

Next week, we'll introduce another flavor -- bananas, sweet potato, or avocado -- haven't quite decided which yet.  He's only eating 1/2 to 3/4 of an ounce.  Just getting a taste of what solids are so another world of opportunities is opened to him!

1 comment:

The Pusch Family said...

I can't remember what we did first, but I've heard to start with veggies first. Otherwise they get the sweet taste and don't want to try the veggies. I'm glad you are going to try avocado! My Dr was shocked when I told him we gave it to Aaron! I'd suggest the book Super Baby food by Ruth Yaron. It has a LOT of good info!