
Sunday, October 12, 2014

Sunday Fun

We are borrowing one of Barry's boss' vehicles as the boss is on vacation and the Jeep died on Tuesday. :(

Nathan had to check it all out and see what damage he could do to it!  We were so grateful that God helped us with all these details in the midst of the craziness.  On Tuesday, when Barry was heading to come get me after work, the Jeep died.  Yep, 270,000+ miles into our adventure, it just gave up and died.  He was able to get it back into his work's parking lot so that we didn't have to get it towed (praise #1).  Then I was able to talk to a friend at my work that not only let us borrow her car overnight (#2), but also had a car seat for Nathan (#3).  Then, as Barry was talking with co-workers to get a ride up closer to home, one of his bosses said that we could use his car for a WEEK (#4).  We transitioned to this vehicle on Thursday and then used it till the next Wednesday - WOW!

The next praise was with a gift we received from a couple at church who heard us mention the need and felt God directing them to give us a check (#5).  Did I mention that this couple had just met us minutes before?! Wow.

There's more to the story... We have to get a new car, right?!  Stay tuned!

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