
Saturday, November 2, 2013

Washing Machine

 God's provision!
"I can do it just right!" :)

Our washer went out 3 weekends ago as Barry was doing our first load of the day.  We've been doing the laundry mat for two weekends as we tried to get sorted out what we'd do.  A co-worker's husband came one night during the first week of it not working and thought that the part we needed to replace was something related to the agitator.  We looked it up and on the cheap end it could be $50 but on the high end over $200.  Since our machine was 10 years old, it just seemed crazy to put too much money into it.  As we struggled with what to do, we continued on with the laundry mat.

That's where God stepped in. We had someone give us cash to purchase a new washer!  We searched and searched -- looking for that "best" deal and in our desperation, God brought us to Best Buy!  The worker was so helpful and allowed us to buy the floor model -- which had only been on the floor 1 week!  There was a small dent in the bottom corner so he gave us $80 off!  He even threw in the hoses for free.  A good friend came with his truck and picked up the washer and we got it hooked up in less than an hour.

Praise the Lord! We thank Him for looking out for us and providing such an awesome gift!

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