
Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Two for Tuesday

Sadly, we did something today that we're not proud of. We sent Nathan to daycare when he should have stayed home.  He had been running a fever Monday, but we could not figure out why.  He was teething, but it was higher than the normal low grade temperature that he has when teething.  But, Barry's work was slammed (the week of a holiday is always busy due to the sales one of the vendors they ship for has) and I had to get work done for my boss who is leaving for India on Friday.  SO, we gave  him Tylenol and prayed a ton that he'd be able to make it till at least lunch.

Thankfully, we had no phone calls and no problems the whole day.  The only question I got when I picked him up was if there was something wrong with his eye (his left eye was red & puffy).  He did well this evening so we're hoping that he'll continue to feel well and get back to his normal self.

Shame on us :(.

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