
Monday, November 19, 2012

Too big for carseat

Look this little guy -- passed out after a wonderful Sunday School experience!  We've been trying more since the weather's not been as hot to pull Nathan out of his seat and carry him in to his nursery room since there are so many babies and not very much room for carseats.

Since Nathan is 29 inches long and this carseat is only for children 30 inches and under, we decided that it was time to graduate to a "big boy" carseat.  We had been checking out different stores to see what we could find and realized our best bet was to get it from Essex -- a retail store (kind of like Big Lots) that has name brand items for a deal.  The seat we got retailed for $170 and we got it for $99.  It's taking a bit of time to get used to since it doesn't have a sun shade, but we're hoping it will be a good fit for Nathan.

I'm sure a picture of Nathan sitting in it will be forthcoming!

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