
Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Me & Nathan

We've been suffering together with a cold/cough combination of funness.  YUCK!  It doesn't keep Nathan down... he just keeps smiling and doing such a good job, enjoying life.

I had the opportunity to go to a breastfeeding support group on Monday during lunch and meet some ladies who are preparing to go back to work, but keep on nursing.  Since I don't know anyone who is nursing (at this time), I was excited to go and commiserate with these ladies.  As I was sitting there, listening to these ladies talk and seeing the little ones (the youngest was 2 weeks old!), I realized something.  I was happy to be at the stage we're at.  A teeny baby was filled with so much uncertainty and sleeplessness.  Now, I feel more confident that I know my baby and he knows me.  Sure, we still have struggles, but at 4 1/2 months, we're doing well.  God has been so good to us!

Monday night into Tuesday, Nathan slept through the whole night without waking!  This was the first time that he did it.  He didn't make it Tuesday night, but we were just happy for one night!  We're still learning --yet as I make mistakes, people have been gracious.  We'll  get this figured out soon!

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