Am I confused? Isn't the holiday we should be talking about Valentine's Day?! Well, we didn't really do anything for Valentines, so why not go back and catch up on December fun.
December 22, 2016
It was PJ Day for Nathan, and we wanted to take a picture with the Advent Calendar, but they didn't want to cooperate very well so this was the best pic of the 2 boys.
December 24, 2016
We celebrated Christmas with Mrs. Lora & Mr. Chris.
Is Zachy the gift?!
Christmas Day was spent with Nana & Papa.
Didn't Nathan get quite the loot?! He is quite loved.
Zachy wasn't quite sure what to think as he was able to participate more with opening gifts and having a turn to give a gift.
It was another unseasonably warm day so we pulled out short sleeve shirts and played.
The train set was a hit for both kids!