
Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Pancake Tuesday

Things worked out for us to have pancakes to celebrate Pancake Tuesday. The boys were glad because this is a meal they both enjoy.

What about you? Did you do anything special to celebrate Fat Tuesday?

Monday, February 27, 2017

November Wedding Pics

We finally got the official wedding pictures from Travis & Ashley's wedding last November.
They turned out pretty good!

Here's the family together. On the back right side is the Nachtigal family (Julie is Barry's sister) and then we're along the left back row except for Nathan down in front. Couldn't get the paci from Zach because it was way past nap time, but we're all there! :)

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Grocery Cart Fun

Do you have a need for speed? I don't think you'll find it with grocery carts!
For some reason the grocery stores think that cars on the front of carts is enticing to children. I think they've got something!
 Today at Kroger

2/28/2016 at Publix

Saturday, February 25, 2017

Trains at the Library

If you ask Nathan about the library, there are two that he knows about. His preference is always to go to the "big library" which is further from our house - in the next town. The reason to go here is because of this special train table. So, for a special treat this morning, we started our day off at the library. It was very quiet in the kids' section and the boys had the train set for quite a while before more children came.

Don't you love the artwork on the wall? It's very creative!

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Birthday Tent

Part of Nathan's birthday gift was a tent that we had found at a bargain store. Unfortunately, when we went to put it together, it actually wasn't a tent inside the box. Therefore, we made another trip to the store to return it and see if we could find one that really worked. Although we paid almost double to replace it (the low price should have been the tip off that it wasn't what it showed itself to be), the boys have had lots of fun playing in it together. We took these pictures specifically for Papa because Nathan was excited to show him.

You think we could fit a few more in? You might be surprised! :)

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Warm Winter Weather

We hit a warm patch of winter weather and didn't wear coats to church today. In fact, we came home and played in the yard because it was so nice. Love these big smiles and squinty eyes because of the warm sun.

 Don't know why but isn't Zachy so cute?!

 Poor thing is outgrowing his 5T pants. He's getting too tall!
Nothing like a Daddy and his son!

Friday, February 17, 2017

Flashback Friday

December 30, 2016
We went to the Preschool Hour at the local inflatables place. Nathan cried a bunch at first and then finally after quite a bit of coaxing he started to enjoy himself. By the end, we could hardly tear him away from it. Poor Zach did not enjoy himself. Maybe because he still isn't as sure on his feet?

Nathan would race me though this one obstacle inflatable. I think I found muscles I didn't know existed. I was quite sore! He has asked multiple times to go back so it must have been fun.

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Throwback Thursday

Nana and Papa stayed over and since the weather was awesome, we headed to the zoo!

We had such an awesome time and got to see lots of animals too. It was a great time!

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Holiday Flashback?

Am I confused? Isn't the holiday we should be talking about Valentine's Day?! Well, we didn't really do anything for Valentines, so why not go back and catch up on December fun.
December 22, 2016
 It was PJ Day for Nathan, and we wanted to take a picture with the Advent Calendar, but they didn't want to cooperate very well so this was the best pic of the 2 boys.
December 24, 2016 
We celebrated Christmas with Mrs. Lora & Mr. Chris.
 Is Zachy the gift?!
Christmas Day was spent with Nana & Papa.
Didn't Nathan get quite the loot?! He is quite loved.
 Zachy wasn't quite sure what to think as he was able to participate more with opening gifts and having a turn to give a gift.
 It was another unseasonably warm day so we pulled out short sleeve shirts and played.
The train set was a hit for both kids!

Monday, February 13, 2017

Flamingo Fun

The flamingos have become one of my favorites as we've visited the zoo almost monthly this past year. The sounds they make, the way they interact with one another, the change in color of their feathers -- it's all pretty interesting!

Nathan posed with me by these lovely birds!

This was back in September and see how the color is different?

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Birthday Zoo Trip

What could be a better way to finish out the birthday celebrations than a trip to the zoo?!
Nathan & the macaws
Snack time!
Llama, llama, red pajama....
Nathan was especially brave and brushed quite a few goats.

"You're doing a great job, Brother!"
Those are some huge turtles!

The weather was so nice and we loved being coat-free in February!