
Friday, July 31, 2015

The Jungle

AKA the Zoo

Nathan definitely has his way of doing and saying things.  Since we went to the zoo in June, he's been wanting to go to the jungle again.  I guess all the green trees, bushes, etc. make him think this? In any case, there was a special of buy one ticket, get one free, so we decided this was perfect for us!
 touching a kangaroo
 with a tortoise 
The flamingos were beautiful!
 with the new baby giraffe
 Zachary was so impressed! :)
The only lion we could find!

Nathan was excited to see the zebras this time, but unfortunately, the elephants were nowhere to be seen.  He was very disappointed about this (and talks about it even now - a month later) and I'm sure we'll have to remedy this!  Want to join us for a jungle excursion?!

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