
Wednesday, July 15, 2015

My View

It's amazing to be in this place again where I have a little one laying on me!  What a miracle! We chose the name Zachary because it means "remembered by God" and we truly feel that this is the case.  God remembered us and chose to give us another blessing - far more than we deserved.  We know that it isn't easy to raise a child and yet this was our earnest desire.

Oh, and Alan was chosen to honor my dad who has this as his middle name.  We honored the firstborn son with Kenneth as the middle name which was the case for 3 generations in Barry's family and now we have the chance to honor my family.

We're three days into being at home and boy am I glad to be able to nap during the day and have the help of my friend Lora who has come every day to help out wherever she can.

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