
Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Counting down

Nathan's been in this stage where he asks us and tells us how much he misses us. We could have been separated for 1-2 hours (at church) and he'll tell us that he misses us. Although it can be heart rending (and sweet too) to hear this from him, it was a reminder that we needed to have some time together as a family. Thankfully, a break is coming up so we started making a plan.

Coundowns have been popular so this time the boys both worked at moving the numbers starting from 12. 
What is going on here?!
Nathan's acting silly and Zach is way too interested in food. WAIT. These are typical reactions for the boys! No Facebook-perfect picture here today!
We're headed to visit 'cousants' in Michigan since we didn't get to go at Christmas. A new house is finished with a new puppy to meet. It'll be a great couple of days!
Another surprise is up our sleeves and we hope the weather will cooperate.

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