
Thursday, March 9, 2017

Last Day

This may seem like a bizarre picture to post. But you see, this is the last day that I will choose to be in this spot. I have spent time in this room every weekday, multiple times a day since September 8, 2015, when I returned from maternity leave. That's 18 months (yes, 18 MONTHS!) that I've been in this room or approximately 384 days. I've spent over 1000 sessions with over 14 days cumulative spent with this machine hooked up to me. 14 DAYS... 342.45 hours... 20, 547 minutes. CRAZY!

With the handy-dandy technology we now have available, I tracked each and every one of these sessions and found that I have pumped 31 gallons and 60 ounces of milk. 31 GALLONS!!! Can you believe it?! I was able to donate to three different families and of course feed Zach exclusively for 1 year and then as much breast milk as possible after that. What an accomplishment!

I am glad to have this time back to myself to use to catch up on this blog, have lunch with friends, and most of all to be able to exercise again. I haven't had a full lunch hour in over 18 months (with a few exceptions). I'm grateful that my office has been supportive and my co-workers haven't given me grief about it. I know others aren't so lucky. I'm glad to be back in the real world, but sad that my baby doesn't need this from me any longer. We made it through the second winter and I hope it is evident in his overall health. There's still some frozen milk that we'll use to get through to April, but the fresh stuff is done.

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