Nathan loves to jump! Our friends that we have small group with have a trampoline and now that the weather is nice, we've gone out and jumped a couple times.
Sunday, March 29, 2015
Wednesday, March 25, 2015
Nathan's Pictures
"Momma, my turn."'
This is what we got:
His new cow and horse
Everything of course was at his level...
Therefore, you got half a shot of Zach! :)
Tuesday, March 24, 2015
Playing Outside
Nathan decided that the "baby" swing was perfect for him!
"Catch me!"
Believe it or not, he posed like this not just once but twice (the first his eyes were closed)
With Momma (and Baby Zach!)
Sunday, March 22, 2015
Fun with New Barn
We found this unbelievable deal on the Fisher Price barn this weekend. The barn we had gotten for Nathan for Christmas from the thrift store was okay but none of the sounds worked (we didn't know it until we got it home). Nathan has loved playing with this and the new animals that came with it.
If you swing the doors, music and other sounds play. He's on his way to having them memorized already!
Thursday, March 19, 2015
Fun in the tent
First, to follow-up to the fall I mentioned Nathan had on Saturday at the playground, look at that bruise! Looks lovely, doesn't it?!
Daddy and Nathan have been camping out in the living room and spent some time last night reading books together.
Woo hoo! Nathan loves reading.
Wednesday, March 18, 2015
Wednesday Fun
I think I've mentioned before that Nathan is really loving coloring. He LOVES to color - all the time, whenever he can! So he begged to color after breakfast (even instead of watching news!) in the short few minutes between breakfast and brushing teeth.
Here's a fuzzy family pic.
[One would think that Nathan was scared of the camera with as tight as he's holding Barry!]
Tuesday, March 17, 2015
Two for Tuesday
Nathan had his 3 year old check-up on Monday afternoon. He really didn't want to go and talked a lot about "no like doctor", but he didn't really have a choice.
He did awesome the whole appointment until the very last thing when the doctor put a tongue depressor in his mouth to look around. Then he fell apart and cried and cried.
He has grown over 2 inches since August and is at 40.2 inches (95th percentile) and was up three pounds to 35 since August (75th percentile). What a big boy we have!
Monday, March 16, 2015
At the playground
It was so beautiful on Saturday that we also went to a playground we've never been to. Although it was packed with people, Nathan had a great time.
He fell almost immediately as he was walking across one of the bridges and hit his head. In fact, this morning (Monday), he was complaining that his head hurt. Amazingly enough, despite the fall, he got up and played for about an hour - until we said it was time to go!
Sunday, March 15, 2015
The Cows!
While we were checking out the goats, we also got to see some... COWS!
This cow in the background was mooing and mooing and mooing. It quite freaked Nathan out.
This cow in the background was mooing and mooing and mooing. It quite freaked Nathan out.
One more of the goats... :)
Saturday, March 14, 2015
Visiting the Goats
We've been trying for several weeks to visit the goats and today was the day! :)
Nathan was very scared of getting close and it was a challenge to even get him to stand with Daddy for a picture.
The babies were in the barn, so we were able to go and visit with them.
This was also as close as Nathan would get to the goats. The mothers were a little rowdy so he was scared to be on the ground.
Tuesday, March 10, 2015
Two for Tuesday
Here I am 22 1/2 weeks in early October 2011 with Nathan:

Here I am 21 1/2 weeks in March 2013 with Zachary:
As I read over what I wrote for Nathan, it is very identical as for Zachary. Zach is very busy and moves around frequently through the day. In fact, he woke me this morning kicking and it was making quite the movement on my belly. I'm hopeful that he'll cooperate and Nathan and Barry will be able to feel him soon.
Monday, March 9, 2015
Basketball Fun
With the lovely time change, when we got home, there was more than enough time to play outside. Thanks to the Michigan Stevens, Nathan got to play basketball.
He's a pretty good shot! :)
You can't make it in every time...
Sunday, March 8, 2015
2 Videos
In the midst of playing with Daddy last night, I got a couple fun videos of Nathan.
Here's an abridged transcription of his monologue:
"Bye bye... See ya..."
"And a crash... Help me... Neigh!"
He was playing with his horses and the monologue continued in this fashion with quite a bit of repetition. I think it's just funny the things he has the horses say.
This is proof that he does know how to pick up!
"Clean up, clean up....
Everybody clean up."
Saturday, March 7, 2015
Playing Farm
Mr. Cheesy, here, has difficulty posing, but had a grand time playing farm with Daddy. They had spent quite a bit of time the night before playing (of which most I slept through!) and continued playing again tonight.
Nathan was the one who put the animals in order and then proceeded to "count" all of them. This in and of itself is pretty funny as he gets stuck on sixteen and says it several times. Pretty fun!
Thursday, March 5, 2015
21 Weeks
Today my ankles and feet were swollen, I mean, swollen! I looked back to see when the swelling started with Nathan and it was right around this same time. So, I've got to prop up my legs during the day and take a break from sitting, make sure that I'm drinking enough water, and not eat a lot of salty things. I have finally gained some weight (after a loss of almost 15 pounds) and the baby is moving around all the time.
We're more than half-way and getting more and more excited!
We're more than half-way and getting more and more excited!
Wednesday, March 4, 2015
Birthday Gift
We started the day with a big smile not knowing what would happen later on...
[Thanks to the Puschs for the green tractor shirt! :)]
We got home and there was a huge box on the front step. We opened it up and look what was found...
[Don't you love the cheeto face?!]
Momma and Nathan decided to make a spot for the dump truck.
What was this all about?!
A funny thing Nathan said at dinner was "We have a big problem." I'm not sure where he got that from and what he was referring to, but he said it multiple times. The only problem we had was we don't know who the gift is from. Was it you?
Tuesday, March 3, 2015
Two for Tuesday
Nathan LOVES to color! He has especially been liking to have a plain piece of paper and drawing all sorts of things on it. He acts like he's going to trace his hand, but it ends up being a couple of intersecting lines.
Daddy was joining in the fun!
Monday, March 2, 2015
[It's too early for a picture, Momma!]
My boys! :)
Despite the fact that Nathan l-o-v-e-s Curious George and always wants to watch him on TV ("tayvee"), Nathan hasn't wanted to wear the cool t-shirt that Nana made for his birthday. But, today was the day! :) He was excited to wear it.
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