
Friday, August 1, 2014

Vacation - Day 2

After a tasty breakfast of homemade breakfast burritos (!), we ventured into the nearby town to pick up items forgotten and purchase food items for meals later in the weekend.
 Isn't this a cute sight?

 Then we went swimming!

 Later in the afternoon, we went on an adventure at the state park.

 Here's all the grandkids together!

It was hot and we couldn't resist the water.  
[Inside joke: Oh no!  Not Ohio water!]

We did have an exciting camping dinner - bush pies. [Check out this description on what they are and how to make them.]  I didn't get any pictures, but they were delicious! 

 Here's the youngest of the clan!  Isn't she a cutey?!

All the grandkids (again!) swimming with my brother Jeremy.

The last family made it in by lunch so we were finally all together.  Hurray!

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