Since we were home over Thanksgiving, we decided that there were a few things around the house that needed to be done. That's why we got the plastic on the windows too. So, Saturday, we thought we'd get the last of the leaves taken care of. [We also did some more work later on in the day, but that's another post!]
This time, Nathan came outside (remember when we did this a few weeks ago, he just stood inside looking out the back door).
Ohhh... Oh! The leaves!
Okay, I think I can help...
Yep, I can do it. Let me at that rake, Daddy!
I'm wiped. You mean there's still more in the front yard?!
We got most of the backyard done before nap time and then Barry & I finished it up. There weren't as many leaves as before, but it seemed to take much longer. Maybe we were just tired of doing it! Nathan did try and use the rake a few times, but by the time I would get the camera out of my pocket, he would be done. Hurray that we're done with leaves!
(Shhh... I know, there's really more that have fallen again, but I think these few will stay there through the winter!)
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