
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Two for Tuesday

Here are a couple fun pictures from over the Christmas break (ha, 3 days off!):
 Oreo was enjoying Nathan's gift

Nathan's 1st ornament! :)

Monday, December 30, 2013


Don't you like my new shirt?!
[Momma forgot to take a picture of my new clothes.  Oops!]

We've recently been having a rash of challenging almost 2 years old days.  I don't want to say "Terrible Twos", but it's definitely been a challenge.  Nathan's been hitting, pushing, climbing-all-over-you, throwing things, and generally making it quite clear that he doesn't like the decision you've made.  He is struggling with following simple directions and will run away from you if he can.  

Now is the time for consistency.  We are trying hard not to threaten (I'm going to put you in your crib!), but to be clear in what is expected and follow through with discipline.  Too often he'll turn on the tears and on occasion he'll laugh and try to get you to smile.  But, part of being a parent is doing the hard stuff.  This is definitely not fun!  Please pray with us that we'll be diligent and work together as a team.

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Last Couple Gifts

In my family, we do a family gift (on a rotating basis).  So we gave to my brother & family and my youngest sister gave to us.  You can choose to do gifts for each member of the family, for the kids, or a family item.

Here's what we got:
A George Foreman grill for the family!
For Nathan - plastic plates, a video, and stickers (He LOVES stickers!)

Now I want to share about a cool gift that we got from a mysterious stranger (obviously someone who knows us but won't acknowledge it's from them).  We got a knock on the front door Tuesday night.  You wouldn't think this was a big deal, but since we have our house winterized, it's actually a bit of a production to get the front door opened.  So, Barry's madly trying to get the door opened to see who it is.  By the time it was open, he looked out and couldn't see anyone -- just an opened box on the step.  There is no name on the box, but the items inside have our names on it.
Each of us got a "leg" of pantyhose filled with goodies!

Look at the stash -- 2 bowls of nuts, a huge bowl of fruit, socks for each of us, several items for each person that were related to them, candy, hygiene items, etc.  What a blessing!

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Red Wagon

I took a little video on Nathan opening up the fun gift from us -- the red wagon.  Listen to how excited he was:
(in the background you can see the 3 shirts we got him -- isn't the tuxedo one super fun?!)

Then, I got a little video of him in action -- pulling around some of the gifts he had gotten.  You'll notice that he stops and is saying "Cheese".  He thought I was trying to take a picture of him!

As he has gotten used to what it is (not a chair to sit in!), he'll load a few items in the wagon and then tell us "Bye bye!"  It's pretty fun.

Friday, December 27, 2013

Three Gifts

Nathan with his 3 gifts

We have been trying to look at things for our family with a more Biblical outlook -- maybe because we're older parents and have seen too much how the world does things -- and in the process of considering what to do about Christmas came across this article.  The author suggested only giving 3 gifts for Christmas - just like Jesus received from the wise men.  This is the criteria she suggested:
Gold – something big they’ve been wanting.
Frankincense – something for their body.
Myrrh – something for their personal or spiritual development.

So, we picked out a fun red wagon for the gold gift, some long sleeve shirts for the frankincense gift, and My First Bible storybook for the myrrh gift. Of course the clothing wasn't exciting, but he's enjoyed looking at the Bible storybook and playing with the wagon.

We hope that this will be the start of a neat tradition and a good way to keep the focus of Christmas back on what should be the focus - the birth of our Lord!

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Gifts from Others

We started off the day opening gifts with the Stevens crew in Michigan (they're on Skype watching Nathan!).  He got this handsome Tigers hat and the t-ball set (sort of in the middle of the picture, just above Barry's knee) from them.  (They also gave the Nativity set featured in the blog earlier this week.)
 What a little boy he looks like (reminds me of his cousin Aaron with the hat on!)!!! Where's our baby?!
 Woodstock and book from Mimi & Gran-Gran (Uncle Rick's parents)
 A cute outfit from Mrs. Dana (my friend from work)
 Elmo items from Mrs. Skye (my college buddy!)
Stuffed elephant chair from Mrs. Mary (my boss) and the most loved gift out of everything -- KlipKlop Mike the Knight Playset from Aunt Julie & Uncle Jeremy (Barry's sister).

He was figuring out how to open things as we were getting into the last couple items!

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

It's Christmas!!!

We have been counting down the days until Christmas with a cute Advent calendar about a little star that was chosen by God to show where baby Jesus was.

 It was fun to do and Nathan was beginning to put it together that we would look at one each day.
Merry Christmas!!!  We're all decked out after attending our Christmas Eve service.  Hope you had a great day with those important to you!

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Two for Tuesday

We had a pretty powerful storm come through the area Saturday night and there was forecasting of possible tornadoes.  Thank goodness there wasn't, but there were quite a few branches down in our yard.
This is what we (Barry & I mostly - Nathan did pick up a couple small pieces) collected -- primarily just from the front yard.  We have a tree that is dying and the huge branch and many small ones came from it.  Also, we had a branch hit the side of the house -- near a window -- but thankfully it didn't do any damage (just scared us a bit).
The storm had a cold front behind it so we had to bundle up to spend a few minutes outside.  Nathan & I also walked over to the church nearby that's doing some construction and watched one of the guys who was working with one of the machines.

Monday, December 23, 2013

Nativity Set

We couldn't wait for Nathan to open this since it really is something to prepare for the Christmas season.  Thanks to Uncle Tod, Aunt Michelle, and family for this cool set!
 "Ooooo! What is it?!"
 He was quick to move things around and set it up the way he wanted.  The camel is his favorite!
Thanks Stevens family!
[Although we opened this up Saturday, I had to wait till today to post the pictures since other things happened in between.]

Sunday, December 22, 2013

What does a Lion say?

Nathan has been working on different animal sounds and has been doing good at roaring!  Barry pulled up some pictures online and Nathan wouldn't stop roaring.

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Gingerbread Nativity Scene


For our Christmas luncheon this year, they decided to have each department design a gingerbread house using edible materials only.  We decided to make a stable thinking that we'd get some points for creativity.  We built the base one day and let it dry overnight so that it would be ready to decorate the next day and dray before the big day.

Do you see the sheep? :)  

Friday, December 20, 2013


Barry found last night -- as he was locked out of the house, waiting for me to come home -- that Nathan is very good with saying hello on the phone and holding it like he was talking.

Then, we got to talk with Papa via Skype and he did much better talking.  I think the more chances he has to see the other person, he figures that he can talk to them.  So, be prepared for some more Skype calls... If you have a login name and we haven't gotten it yet, send it my way.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Christmas Party

Look at me all dressed up for my Christmas party!

He was so fun as I brushed his teeth -- checking out the truck and everything.  He was so excited.
We had a bunch of stuff to have ready for today so I was rushing around last night trying to get it all done.  Poor Barry was not feeling too hot so that made it even more difficult as my trusty helper couldn't assist.

I'll post soon the pictures of the gingerbread house that my department made.  Woo hoo!

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Making Treats

 Me! Me!  Pick me to help! :)
I want my chance at the action. Will you give me a spoon?

Nathan was very disappointed that he couldn't help more (in fact, since he couldn't sit in Daddy's lap and help, he really didn't want to be part of the process).  

We're working hard on getting the last few goodies made so that we can get the trays out.  I wasn't feeling well Monday night so we lost a night of productivity.  Tonight should be the end with putting the trays together!

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Two for Tuesday

 We get so many comments about this hat!  Nathan often asks for it when we get his coat on.
Really?!  Another picture?  Daddy decided to deck out in his Nebraska stuff today.

I have to tell you a cool story that happened on Sunday.  For whatever reason, I had been thinking about something that I've been wanting, but had not said to anyone that I wanted.  Although we are doing better this year than last, things are still tight and we don't have extra for gifts for each other.  So, I hadn't said anything to anyone but God, and we were going to a Dirty Santa party that night with our life group.  Yeah, I know -- what good could you get at a Dirty Santa party?  We were the first to open a gift and as we pulled it out of the bag, saw that it was a child's Santa costume.  Really?!  We opened it up to see for sure that it was the costume, and inside with the costume was a gift card to a spa for a pedicure!!!  Only God, right?!

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Big Tube

Look at what Momma gave me!  A big duh-di-duh (you know the sound that a trumpet would make).  It also can be a stand in for a horse if you need it. :)

I was wrapping gifts for Sunday and emptied a roll.  Since Nathan has already been riding the rolls around the house, I knew it would make him happy.

Are you ready for the start of another week?  This is our last week rising at 4:20am... Next week it'll be back to the normal 4:40am!

Thursday, December 12, 2013


Nathan walked into the bathroom this morning with the camera asking for his picture to be taken.  Too funny, right?!

He's been doing a lot of "walking" on his knees.  I'm not sure why, but more often than not, if he gets down on the floor, he'll walk around on them instead of standing back to his feet.

Hope you're having a great hump day!

Monday, December 9, 2013

With Momma

We haven't had a shot together in a while so when Nathan was snuggly tonight, we got to have a picture taken.  He has taken to say "Cheese" when he sees the camera, but not necessarily when you want to take a picture.  He also knows to look at the back of the camera to see what the picture was.

Can you believe that he's already 22 months old?!

Sunday, December 8, 2013


Can you catch what Nathan is saying?  Sounds like "bo bo"  It was too funny... A spontaneous outburst of peekaboo!

Saturday, December 7, 2013


Do you like my jammies?

They are so comfy and warm.  I'm a little penguin!
We are experiencing some winter weather.  Friday schools were out early because of the chance of ice and many things are cancelled for the weekend.  We spent most of our day in the house.  How about you?

Nathan's been trying to say snowman... Will we see one? :)

Thursday, December 5, 2013

A Gift in the Mail

We were getting dinner ready last night and heard a knock on the door.  There was a package for Nathan!  He got a super cool shirt (on the left), the book he's reading, and stickers!  In fact, he went to bed with 5 stickers on his shirt.  Thanks, Nana & Papa!

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

I want that one!

Nathan's favorite thing to do is visit the pet store.  There are two that we go to and he loves looking at all the animals.  We got this flyer from one of the pet stores and Nathan was sooooo excited!  He pointed to all the animals and made lots of barks for the doggies.

He is talking so much now and really gets frustrated that we don't know what he's saying.  He is responding to simple directions better and is trying to be helpful.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Two for Tuesday

I'm Going to Get You!  Nathan and Daddy have been perfecting their "get you" moves.  It's pretty funny.  Thankfully, I'm usually not gotten! :)
Flashback...  1 year ago.. Showing off his wolf sweatshirt.

Nathan is adding to his vocabulary.  Recent new words include: football, more, done, mine.  In fact, he's named his paci Mine! :)

Monday, December 2, 2013

Christmas Tree

So, it's a big deal in the Stevens' household... For only the 2nd time since we've been married, we put up a tree!!!!!  Yes, it's sad and you're right, there's something wrong with us, but we did it this year!

My mom found us a tree last year for a very cheap price ($2 or $3).  I had several items that we had never opened before, but that's okay!  We laid out the tree skirt and put on the lights.  Then it was time for Nathan to get up from his nap.  He was just in awe. I started sorting through the ornaments and found 5 (yes, really!) First Christmas 2003 ornaments!!!  Too funny!
Oreo found her spot right off!
Hurray!  Nathan thinks that it's great.  He's pulled a few of the balls off, but we were smart and didn't put any breakable ones at the bottom.

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!!!

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Fun with Leaves

Since we were home over Thanksgiving, we decided that there were a few things around the house that needed to be done.  That's why we got the plastic on the windows too.  So, Saturday, we thought we'd get the last of the leaves taken care of.  [We also did some more work later on in the day, but that's another post!]
This time, Nathan came outside (remember when we did this a few weeks ago, he just stood inside looking out the back door).
Ohhh... Oh!  The leaves!
Okay, I think I can help...
Yep, I can do it.  Let me at that rake, Daddy!
I'm wiped.  You mean there's still more in the front yard?!

We got most of the backyard done before nap time and then Barry & I finished it up.  There weren't as many leaves as before, but it seemed to take much longer.  Maybe we were just tired of doing it!  Nathan did try and use the rake a few times, but by the time I would get the camera out of my pocket, he would be done.  Hurray that we're done with leaves!  
(Shhh... I know, there's really more that have fallen again, but I think these few will stay there through the winter!)