
Saturday, September 8, 2012

The Official Turtle picture

We can't let a month go by without the turtle picture!
We went today to have his official 6 month old (but now he's 7 months old) pictures.  I needed to make an appointment with the studio, but hated to lock us into a time when the weekends tend to be very flexible with his feeding time.  So, we decided to show up when I thought there was an availability and see if they would take us.  We had to wait a little bit, and the family there was having their daughter's 1 year pictures done.  They bought a huge package and that made me a little nervous.  We had a coupon 3 sheets for $9 and I had hoped they would let me order one more sheet for a reasonable price.  Nathan did really well with the pictures and we picked out what we wanted.  She gave us 5 sheets for $15!  Praise the Lord!  So, you can be looking for a sweet little picture of our guy after the 19th!

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