It was our turn to make dinner for our community group at church and we decided to make Italian Casserole. It's a really easy recipe: ground beef & onions, diced tomatoes & tomato paste, penne noodles, and cheese! Even though I can't eat it, Barry was excited and it went over well. We made two of these and had about half of one left for Barry to have as leftovers.

Then, here is dessert - Cream Puff Dessert. I got this recipe from my sister-in-law's mother. I got this Pampered Chef large bar pan from my friend at work for Christmas and was excited to use it. The cream puff crust is butter, flour, water, and 5 eggs. The middle is vanilla pudding, milk and cream cheese. It's topped with whipped topping and then when you have a piece, you put some chocolate syrup on top.

We had a little left over and I brought it to work. Yum!
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