I decided that I needed to get on the ball with some card-making as there are several situations that are going on that I needed to celebrate or provide encouragement.

Here's the first -- all sorts of circles to go with the circle-patterned paper. I cut out three different sized circles and stacked them up. I had gotten some cardboard cut-outs for Christmas that you can decorate so I used an a and covered it with paper. I wrote a quote that she likes around the edge of the outermost circle. "We all let people into our lives, but you will find that really good friends let you into your own." - Curly Girl.

I liked this format that I've used on a few other cards lately and decided to go with it again. I paired two patterned papers and then added some embellishments to the side. On each of these I added two stars and then did another letter & covered it with purple paper. I used purple organdy ribbon across the bottom. Simple but gets the point across.

This picture shows the paper better. I don't know how the lighting changed when I had them in the exact same spot!

Isn't this cool?! I made it as a 4x7 inch card (no envelope) from some paper that is a little more heavier. I had a pattern of an owl that I traced and cut out. Then I matched a tag to the paper and threaded orange organdy ribbon & cream ribbon through the top. It's a little hard to read, but it says, "Whoo forgot your birthday?" Inside said: me (that's whoo).

This last card is using a template from
CPS and 4 different red papers. I wrote Happy Anniversary! in calligraphy and think it pulled it together very nicely.
Each of these cards has been sent out or delivered to the intended reciptient. I'm glad for the opportunity to share my talents and encourage others.