Everything that you'll see below are items home-made:

These are banana-nut mini muffins. I had been saving bananas in the freezer and finally had enough to make these. I had gotten a mini muffin pan for my birthday and was glad to have a chance to use it again. They're just the right size to pop in your mouth which makes them good for a get-together.

These are a good family recipe! They are a type of rice krispy squares with peanut butter and peanuts and chocolate on the top. I cut them pretty small because of the gifts that I made for the male co-workers.

I was so excited about these brownies because they're my grandma's recipe! They turned out just fine and I was so glad. I made the icing with a recipe from my Better Homes & Gardens cookbook - no bake fudge icing. I again cut these small to fit in the container, but that's how my grandma did it too -- bite-sized.

These are my favorite -- white chocolate covered pretzels. Yum!

These are a modified version of what Barry likes the best -- chocolate covered peanut clusters. The reason why they're modified is that we crunched the peanuts into smaller pieces so that they could go in those mini paper cups.
I made up all these smaller things in order to fit the containers that I had. They were greeting card boxes that we had a preponderance of here in the office due to a Christmas mailing that went out. I covered the top with wrapping paper and lined them with plastic wrap before putting the goodies inside. They worked just perfect for these 4 items (peanut clusters, pretzels, brownies, & rice krispy bars)!

Last, but not least, this is a peppermint red velvet cake for my dear friend. I found out around the first Christmas that I knew her that she loved peppermint. I found the recipe and tried it out and it's been a mainstay ever since. It's three layers and all home-made.
I think this is the end of my baking for the holidays and hope that it's enjoyed by all!
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