We came out to visit my youngest sister's first baby - a boy! She had him on Monday, so the pictures you see are of him as he's 4 & 5 days old. He had a little trouble with jaundice now that he's been home, but his color is much better even today than it was Friday night.
My brother made a 14 hour drive from Sioux Falls to us in Lebanon and then rode with us the rest of the way to Cleveland. It was a surprise to my parents who didn't arrive till Saturday. The only ones not here are Ewell (brother-in-law) who had to work. And also, Lindsey & Chelsea (my brother's family) as Lindsey had to work and it would have been difficult to have Chelsea (who's 20 months) ride the whole way with Jere.
Mostly we're just hanging out and enjoying the new baby. Emma keeps calling him a her and loves to sit and hold him. Luke doesn't do so bad holding him either.
I'm sure I'll add more pictures in the next few days!
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