Even though Barry's not a big fan of meatballs, I thought I'd give it a try for something different. My first batch had quite a few casualties, but batch number two worked out pretty well. Since I can't have tomato sauce, I just had mine with noodles and cheese. Barry had his as spaghetti & meatballs. Yum, yum! Six left to make for another day. A meatball sub sounds delicious! :0

Here's birthday greetings for a co-worker. The lighting wasn't so great, but you can see it okay. There's a cardboard letter b with a star & sequin on it, on top of a yellow striped star (with 3-d tape underneath). I used a total of 9 different papers! I tied pink organdy ribbon around the one square and used two birthday-ish stickers on two others. The top corner says, "it's time to celebrate!" Inside it says, "Happy Birthday!"
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