
Thursday, December 31, 2015

Miscellaneous Christmas Pics

These first two pictures are from my sister.
 Nathan just loves his little brother!

 My dad and Peanut

 Hee hee hee!  Isn't this funny?!  
He's obviously moving a bunch since his feet are a blur.

Awwwww! Baby's first Christmas

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Biking Videos

Sunday was another day of highs in the 70s so we donned shorts to try and cool down a bit. Therefore, it was a great time to try the bike since it was a comfortable temperature outside.

FYI Nathan's version of "I did it!" is different than Barry's. :)

I love how excited he was.

Barry's trying to help him move his legs to pedal.

It's going to take lots of practice for Nathan to get this down, but he's excited to try.

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Two for Tuesday

Look at these cute feet! :)  
Who would have guessed that God would have blessed us with two sets!

Here's the proud boy (wearing shorts!!! on December 27!) taking his bike for a trial run.  I'll post some videos tomorrow.

Monday, December 28, 2015


(We pretended Christmas was Sunday since that was the first morning we were home together.)
We had saved the last item for the Advent calendar to be placed Saturday so that Sunday would be the day! In our holiday tradition, each of the boys got 3 gifts -- just like Jesus.
 The boys hung out while I made pancakes.
 Mmmmm! Homemade pancakes.
 Family picture by the Christmas tree (awkward but what can you do?!)
 The boys by the tree
Gift #1: Clothing
Zach got a shirt and socks.  Nathan got a shirt and UNDERWEAR!
 Gift #2: Books
 Gift #2: Books
Gift #3: Something they want
Zachy - Toys

Gift #3: Something they want
Nathan - A bike
(Thanks to the Mosleys for giving it to us!)

Sunday, December 27, 2015

Misc Cleveland Pics

 "I'm swimming" (oops! It's really for a construction worker.)
 All the cousins!
Playing with Nana -- He'd throw himself back (to see the tree) and then pop up.  He did this over and over!

Hanging out on the couch...

Saturday, December 26, 2015

Opening Stockings & Gifts

 Helping Papa with gift delivery

Zach slept for most of the gift opening time.  He did like the bow on one of his gifts and held onto it for quite a while. What a great first Christmas!

Friday, December 25, 2015

Christmas Family Pic

We made it to my sister's in time to change clothes and eat a little bite before the Christmas Eve service at their church. Afterwards, we came back and hors d'oeuvres with the family.
Aren't we looking festive?!

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Nathan & Presents

Nathan has been super excited about opening presents.  We had tried to overcome "Santa's Coming" by putting gifts under the tree and show him that they're not related. In any case, what child would turn away opening gifts at any time?!

So, along with Grandma's gift to Zachy, Nathan got Mr. Potato Head and an awesome seek & find Paw Patrol book.

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Zach's First Christmas Animal

Barry's mom has for each of the 10 grandchildren so far (Zachy's #11) given a large stuffed animal on that child's first Christmas.  So, Zachy was in for a treat! :)
 Look at Nathan's reaction! 
 "I think I might like this!"

Nathan's First Christmas 2012 - Animal from Grandma 

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Three for Tuesday

Nathan started off taking some pictures before Daddy got the camera and took the awesome one at the bottom.
Eek, Momma!  What is going on?!

 Okay, I'm cool with this...

A Momma and her boys!

Monday, December 21, 2015

Holding Monkey

Zach looks a little weak in the eyes, but so proud that he's holding Monkey!  He's mastering those hand skills appropriate for his age.  Go, Buddy! :)

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Three For Christmas

Nathan was sooo excited to finally get to the camels in the Advent calendar.  He's been waiting and waiting and waiting! (Sorry so blurry!)

Here's the boys' picture from the event at church. Too fun!

I was busy over the last two days baking to get our party trays ready for work and daycare.  We've got Cranberry Hootycreeks, chocolate nut clusters, Oreo balls, Buckeyes, and a pretzel with Rolo & pecan on top. Sharing the love, right? Or at least sharing calories!

Saturday, December 19, 2015

5 Months

Our little guy turned 5 months old on 12/8 but it's taken me this long to get his official pictures made.  I had wanted him to wear Nathan's shirt (size 12 months!) because of the first Christmas saying on it.  But, since changing a baby multiple times in a day is so much fun, I just hadn't gotten around to it.  The shirt's a little big but I think it worked out just fine.  What a cutie!

 Due to Zach's illness, we got his weight checked at the doctor's office.  At 5 months old, he is 15 pounds, 1 ounce!!! That's almost 2 pounds more than his 3 month check-up.  Go, Buddy!!!
"I think I need to check the monkey's hair... It's the loving thing to do, right?!"

He was super excited about all he could see as he laid under the tree!

Friday, December 18, 2015

Santa's Little Helper?

Our friend gave this little outfit to Zach for Christmas.  Since we just got it, we have to get our use out of it and wear it a few times, right?!

Poor thing is still struggling with being sick.  We got the call on Tuesday that he had a fever.  I picked him up and went to the doctor because he's just had this pathetic cough for quite a while.  The doctor was concerned with the wheezing he could hear when he listened to him breathe and even after a breathing treatment, the rattling was still there.  We went to the hospital for a chest x-ray and thankfully, it wasn't pneumonia.  The doctor felt like the fever was connected to a virus which would just have to run its course and instead focused on the cough.  Poor Bud has to do an inhaler every 4 hours so that we can get on top of this wheezing/coughing stuff.  He slept a ton on Wednesday and was well enough to go back to daycare on Thursday, but the poor thing sure didn't want to wake up in the morning either Thursday or today.  Hopefully some extra rest on the weekend will help him out.

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Brothers Hide Out

Nathan's been trying to get Zach to join him under the desk for a few days, so we finally made it this morning.  Unfortunately, it was so dark under there, that with the flash, it was too bright to have eyes open (even though he tried real hard the 2nd picture).

Papa, do you think you can fit in the hide out with them?

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Wacky Wednesday

Have you ever?!
Just hanging out in my wild outfit on brother's bed with all his animals.

Monday, December 14, 2015

Lighted Tree

As we were decorating for Christmas at the office, I came across this beautiful ceramic Christmas tree. What memories it brought back of my grandma's tree!  She lived in a small apartment and really didn't have space for a big floor tree.  So, she had this type of a tree (although a bit larger) that she had on top of the television.

What a great Christmas memory!  Do you have a special memory?

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Fun Smiles

I wanted to get a picture of him playing with the steering wheel, but instead we got some lovely smiles.