
Friday, February 28, 2014

How to Eat Pancakes

We know you've been wondering about this.  What is the proper way to eat pancakes?
Why it's to take a bite out of each one before consuming them all!  You know, you have to make sure no one else will want to eat them. :)

This has been an awesome treat for a breakfast for Nathan.  He doesn't like syrup so it's not as messy.

Happy Friday!

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Another Birthday Gift

[Don't you just love the "I-pulled-off-my-hat-and-have-awesome-hat-hair" look?!]
Woo hoo!  We got a package in the mail from cousins in South Dakota. 
[Notice the awesome Spiderman wrapping paper.]
All right!  It's Legos!  
My first set!
Daddy and Nathan immediately set to playing.  
In fact, he was so excited about playing that we could hardly eat dinner.  He was so upset that we had to put them up!

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Wedding, Part 2

 Yes, we were at the wedding... The pictures were posted and you can see us.

 Before the service
Can you see us in the back?  Barry & Nathan are sitting in the pew on the left and I'm standing in the back in the center of the picture.
Now we're getting food at the reception

It was yummy!

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Two for Tuesday

It's TUESDAY! :)
 I tried to get him to pose with the birthday pictures, but as you can see he wasn't too cooperative.  We have a great look at Caleb's picture, but not so much on the others (sorry Luke & Emma).
What a look!  I could hardly get him to stay still.  He said cheese and then went on to other things.

Monday, February 24, 2014

First Bike Ride of 2014

It was so nice that we got out the bikes on Sunday and went for a ride!

It was definitely a little tougher with Nathan this time.  He weighs more (of course), and he was much more active as we rode.  Hopefully there will be many more rides ahead of us!

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Outside Fun

It was so beautiful this weekend we had to go outside and play.
In the Cozy Coupe
Daddy even got the slide out and Nathan went down it a few times.

We've gotten a few outdoor cars/trucks so Nathan was excited about playing with them in addition to running around the yard.  It was a nice morning and he got out some extra energy before his nap.
Yeah for spring weather!

Saturday, February 22, 2014

More Birthday Gifts

We got a surprise in the mail yesterday! 
The Vernons sent a couple gifts...

Hurray!  New books :)

A Llama llama book was what we just recently got from the Dolly Parton monthly book club and Nathan has LOVED it so he was especially excited about that book.

He also got some awesome birthday pictures from his cousins. I'll have to get a picture of them soon.

Friday, February 21, 2014


Nathan's been saying "bubbles" for quite a while... It was probably one of the first 10 words he said when he started talking.  We have a drawer that he can get into where all the bubbles are.  But, the strange thing is that he says this word or what I think is this word quite frequently.  I don't think that he's saying "bubbles" but that's how it comes out.  I think we need an interpreter.  Any takers?

Happy Friday!

Thursday, February 20, 2014


Woo hoo! It was in the 70s today!
We pulled out a short-sleeves shirt to wear today.
(Don't you just love the expression on his face?!)

I don't know what the draw is to the laundry basket, but both babies and kitty cats like it! :)
Hope you are able to enjoy some warmer weather wherever you are today.
It's almost Friday!

Wednesday, February 19, 2014


I've heard that the first word that most children say is "more".  That wasn't the case for us, but in the last couple weeks, this is the word that Nathan has said the most.  He'll say it when he wants more food, when he wants to do an activity more, whatever the situation, you can expect him to say it.

I love to see his mouth and how he says it. 

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Two for Tuesday

Crazy bed hair!

Doing puzzles with Daddy
(notice he always has something in his hand... today it's Mike the Knight on his horse)

Things seem to be settling down again after a very busy couple of months.  We're trying to get a handle on life after lots of busy weekends and trying to make it during the week.  My goal is to stay on top of things the next couple days so that we can have a more enjoyable weekend.  We'll see how that goes!

Happy Tuesday!

Sunday, February 16, 2014


For Nathan's birthday, Uncle Tod & Aunt Michelle gave him a paint set and the smock.  We finally got to try it out.
This was the first time (with us) to use a paint brush.  He loved it!
He was good about trying all the colors and it was fun to hear him say over and over, "yellow".  (Of course when he says it, it's a question!) Pretty fun stuff! :)

Making Muffins with Momma

The pictures aren't the best quality, but you get the idea... Nathan helped me make some muffins (his all time favorite treat!).  He poured in the mix, helped pour in the milk, and then went on his merry way!

Can't wait to get those yummy muffins!

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Handsome Date

My friend's son is getting married today!  I helped her yesterday get things ready for the rehearsal dinner and also will be assisting with moving things forward during the ceremony.  Look at this cutie that I got to be with:
 We didn't have any black shoes, so he wore his sneakers.
So, the necklace didn't come with us to the wedding, but he just loves playing with it.

Barry wore a tie too (even though he didn't have to) and we looked pretty smashing, if I do say so myself.  Unfortunately, the camera was left at home so there are no pictures of us all together.

It was a great wedding and Nathan did pretty good.  It was pretty chilly though and we were glad to be in the warm building.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

2 Yr. Stats

Nathan measured in at 35 1/2 inches tall and 28 1/2 pounds.
What a big boy he's getting to be!
He's in the 75th percentile for his height and then between the 50th & 75th for his weight.

The bad news was that the vision test they did for him seemed to show that one eye is more dominant than the other.  So, we have an appointment with a specialist in early March to have this checked out.

He only had one shot and then a finger prick for lead testing.  He cried about the whole time we were there which was difficult since they really weren't doing anything to him.  One of these days he'll get it.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Getting Together Valentines

We worked real hard to get the valentines ready for Nathan's class.  He actually put each heart sticker on (11 times!) which I thought was a great accomplishment.  We had to have these ready in advance of the party so that the teachers could get the bags made up.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Cleveland Fun

We hardly started working and our little cousin couldn't make it. Too cute!
Nathan loved playing outside. It was chilly so he had to take breaks and come back inside.  He loved pulling the lawn mower and helping with picking up sticks.  [He's got lots of experience as it's his job at home!]
Can you find me?!
Nathan got so filthy at the house as it's a work in progress!  He wanted to crawl around and play with balls.  He loved playing with his older cousin's toys.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

More Birthday Fun

[Sorry for the delay... Been busy & then couldn't get Google Chrome to work at home!]

We got to visit our family in eastern Tennessee and helped with lots of work around their new house.  Nathan had a blast!  I wish I had gotten pictures of him working - helping Nana and Aaron pick up branches.  He loved it.

After dinner, he got to open up a gift from Nana & Papa.

 Surprise - clothes! :)
 And an awesome lion towel!
He also got some books.
[See how excited everyone was about it?!]
 Yum! We had chocolate chip cookie with ice cream. Yum!
Hanging out with Papa in the hotel.  He loved being with Nana & Papa.

We still have the promise of a couple gifts from other family so the festivities will continue.

Friday, February 7, 2014

Opening Gifts

Don't you just love the expression on his face?!  
I'm ready for my gifts now!
 Gift #1
His response, "More?"
 Gift #2
His response, "More?"
 Ooooo! He got a smart phone from Uncle Rick.
His response, "More?"
Look at all these fun clothes! Thanks, Mrs. Stephanie!
This time, he gave up on the clothes and went back to the phone.
 Oh yeah! Can you tell that he's trying to throw his leg over it and sit down?!  It was quite comical.
Thanks, Mrs. Mary!
 Family pic
 Look at all this fun stuff from Uncle Tod & Aunt Michelle!
Mike the Knight (we call him Sir Kirby -- from Doc McStuffins) & a dragon bath toy.
Yay! Etch-A-Sketch
He loves to draw! 
There were a few more things, but I didn't get a picture of them.

He had a great day. Thanks everybody!

Thursday, February 6, 2014

I'm TWO!!!

 Birthday candle in the toast (No, I did not light it!)
 Yeah! :)
Not so happy the paci is gone.

Birthday celebrating will continue through the day (we brought Cheetos and chocolate chip cookies to daycare) and we'll open gifts tonight.  We're going to celebrate bigger over the weekend.

Yay Nathan! :)

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Being Like Daddy

As they were playing last night, Nathan had to lay down and play like Daddy.
"I see you, Momma!"
Big grin
[It was too dark and the flash about blinded him.]