
Monday, September 30, 2013

Sitting in the Closet

Ha ha! 
This is the perfect size for me.
(Yes, he's holding his tooth brush!)

Here's a little carry over from the weekend.  We were able to get a cheap hotel room so that it wouldn't be super crowded at my sister's.  We were getting ready Sunday morning and here's Nathan, in the closet.

Happy Monday!

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Day 2 with the Puschs

We had a little time before church where we hung out with my niece while the rest of the family was getting ready.  She just slept!

 Look at those shoes!

After church my sister was trying to get a few pictures, but my niece wasn't very cooperative.

It was great to visit with them!

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Visiting the Puschs

My nephew, Nathan, & Barry 
(Barry was holding the camera!)

 My sister, Katherine & my neice
She's a cutey pie!

We got up early (5 am -- actually a bit later than on a normal week day) and were out the door by 6am.  We had a full day of hanging out and playing.  My new niece is just so cute!

Nathan wasn't so sure of her and really didn't like me holding her, but I told him, tough luck!  He had been admiring her picture on the fridge, but when it came to actually seeing her, he was not impressed!  Oh well!

Friday, September 27, 2013

Sausage Biscuits

"I have my mouth full of yummy breakfast!"

Isn't he so cute how he holds his biscuit?!  We had gotten these because I happen to like them and they can be an easy lunch item.  We tried them a few weeks ago and he loved them so we did it again!  The funny thing is that when we got to daycare, one of the other little girls was was eating them for his breakfast (he almost gave her a run for her money!).

Hope you have a happy Friday!

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Daddy'll Make it Better

So, sad, but Daddy's got me!

Whew!  This has been a week of early morning rising -- he's averaging 5am every morning... Today, though, after waking at 4:30, he did eventually fall back to sleep -- unlike the other mornings.  It just makes for a lot of frustration and tiredness for all of us!

We're trying a few things out -- we moved his bed from the outside wall (thinking he was hearing something outside) which has helped with the 3:50/4:00am cry, but now, we're dealing with a 5am-ish babble-talking-crying mess that goes on for 20-30 minutes as he wakes up for the day.  Hopefully some tips we've read/heard will help us get over this VERY early morning wake-up call!

Wednesday, September 25, 2013


Don't you think that oatmeal is yummy too?

Nathan does the yum sound for a variety of meals, but oatmeal is often the one that he repeatedly does it for.  I think it's because when we were first doing cereal, I would say it often to help him know it was good to eat.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Two for Tuesday

This is a little teaser for the photo shoot that we had for Nathan's 18 month pictures.  I finally have the order 99% complete and hope to get them ordered tomorrow.  Nathan was quite a sport - especially since it was a very warm day (into the 90s) when we had the pictures taken.  The husband of a friend at work took the pictures and it was a learning experience for the both of us.  Since we were outside, there was so much to see and it was hard to get him to look at the camera.

Hopefully your mailbox will have a nice surprise coming soon!

Monday, September 23, 2013

Reading the Newspaper

Prior to these pictures, Nathan was actually holding the newspaper and looking at it.  But, we weren't quick enough to snap the picture!

It's such an answer to prayer that Nathan is mostly back to good health.  He's had such a rough time lately and it's hard to know what to do with him.  He's still working on some teeth and occasionally will be extra slobbery with that and he has a little cough, but overall he's almost normal!

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Toilet Paper

Look what someone likes to play with!

Occasionally when we go to the restroom, someone has to sit on your lap and he likes to play with the toilet paper roll.  So, I went in to use the restroom this afternoon and found this...  I just had to laugh.  I'm not sure when he did it as he had been staying pretty close to me as I was working in the kitchen, but there it is!

We're looking forward to a full week and then heading to my sister's for the weekend.  Happy day!

Friday, September 20, 2013


Could he look any more pitiful?

He woke up at 4am today and would not fall back to sleep.  When I finally got him up at 5:20, he wouldn't stop crying.  Finally, he settled down to eat breakfast and was doing okay.  But, then he fell when he was trying to walk to the living room.  He went and watched the news with Barry and came to brush his teeth, but then wouldn't come when he was asked to.  I brought him to the bedroom with me as I finished getting ready and the big cries came then...

The bruise is looking awesome now.
Happy Friday!
(Do you see Kevin on the table?)

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Guess What?!

Nathan got another card! :)

 Woo hoo!
It sings and moves!

Wednesday, September 18, 2013


Do you notice a theme this week?  Nathan is wearing _______. :)

I noticed that we had a bunch of shirts that same color so he's wearing them all this week!

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Two for Tuesday

Papa would be so proud!  Nathan has finally figured out how to make the "doo-doo-doo" sound in a tube.  He picked up the tube and and started going around "playing" it! :)
Look what happened Monday at daycare... He hit head on the table.  :(  Didn't seem to bother him and he was doing okay.

Monday, September 16, 2013


Someone's mouth is just a tad full!
Nathan just couldn't get enough food this morning.  We brought muffins to have at Mrs. Jenny Lee's, but he had eaten two of them before we ever got to daycare!  This last one didn't have a chance!  Evidently he didn't get enough to eat Sunday night and our normal breakfast didn't fill the hole in his tummy!
We've sort of gotten in the habit of bringing a little something for him to eat with the rest of the crew who are eating breakfast in the morning.  Since he already eats one meal away from us, I have decided that the other two will be with us.  So, sometimes he's up early and eats with us at the table and other times he just gets fed breakfast by me.
Happy Monday!

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Fun at McDonalds

After the bike ride to see the runners, we went to McDonalds for our normal Saturday breakfast (Nathan has to have his sausage gravy biscuit, right, Papa?!).  Nathan particularly likes this one because they actually have a little toddler area that he can play in.  He enjoyed the slide again and again.  (Sorry for the poor quality.)

His face is almost cleared up from the hand-foot-mouth disease and he's pretty much back to normal.  He's eating and sleeping about normal too.  He was a little confused with wearing pants the last several days (highs were in the 70s and chilly mornings) and kept trying to push them up to his knees.  Evidently he doesn't remember last winter.

We are looking forward to sharing snacks at small group tonight.  He loves seeing the doggies.  He knows what a dog says too -- "arf arf!"

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Supporting the Runners

We went to see my co-worker, Stephanie, in the Sherry's Run race this morning.  We rode our bikes down to West Main and watched the start and saw a bunch of people finish.  We didn't want to stay till she finished because we hadn't had breakfast yet and were hungry so we went down the street a ways till a street that was easier for us to return home on and waited for her.  It was fun to see all the people!  This was Stephanie's first 5K and without any training she did it in just under an hour.  Yay!

Friday, September 13, 2013

Happy Birthday, Dana!

Can you see what I did? 
D - Dasani, Dentyne
A - almonds
N - Nilla wafers, napkins
A - apple, Advil
Each day, I put up the next letter on her banner and added the day's items.  Then, today, we had her desk decorated and gave her a gift from the 3 co-workers.  Pretty fun!

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Card from Nana & Papa

 I got some mail!!!!
Woo hoo!  A card that plays music! :)

Poor thing is still suffering along with the cold and the sores, but it was all okay when he got his card in the mail.  Our other music cards have bit the dust and it might just be me, but it's just a tad strange that a 1 yr old has to stop and look at cards because he has to find the ones that play music!  So, we're happy for a new one.  [It's the little things, right?!]

Wednesday, September 11, 2013


 Nathan's new thing is knocking.  He knocks on the door each night when we come into the house.  He knocks on the table while we're eating dinner.  He knocks on the bathtub during his bath.  Here he is knocking on the Jeep.  Silly boy!
I couldn't resist sharing this pic of my niece wearing the gift I made -- a onesy with her name on it.  I had seen the idea on a blog and decided to do it myself.  Pretty fun!

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Two for Tuesday

At daycare, they have a couple of these bouncing toys and Nathan loves them.  As I was looking at the facebook group I belong to where people sell kids items, someone had one posted for $10.  When I looked up the price of a new one, approx. $140, we knew this was a steal!  Plus, it's something that he can do for a while -- it's for ages 1-3.
I'm so excited, can't you tell?!

He isn't bouncing as much as he had previously done, but he wasn't feeling the best either.  I had been telling a co-worker about it and wanted to get a shot of him doing it.  We'll see how it goes!

Monday, September 9, 2013

Uh Oh!

Do you know what this is?

Hand-Foot-Mouth disease. :(

Poor thing.  He really hasn't been bothered by it (thank goodness).  The doctor said that it appeared to be a mild case, but there isn't anything that they can do for it.  When we talked to daycare, there is another little girl (his girlfriend!) who has it on her feet.  Nathan stayed home with Barry today and should be good to head back to daycare tomorrow.  Since the contagious period is when he had a fever, there is no concern for spreading it now.

The sad thing is that he can get it again!

[Don't you just love his "cheese" face?!  He's been doing it a lot -- especially when eating.  He thinks it's funny.]

Saturday, September 7, 2013

More Fun from the Hospital

 Me and my nephew
 Oooo!  I don't want to open my eyes if you shine that bright light in them!
Don't you want to play with me?
 See, this is our Daddy!
The Pusch Family

Friday, September 6, 2013

My Sister & Niece

I had so much fun with my family yesterday.  Here are some more pictures:

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Being Aunt Kristy

[SORRY again for the delay in posting.  I have had so many struggles with blogger!)

Look what I got to do today!
 I went to Chattanooga and got to meet my new niece!
 Isn't she so sweet?!

With big brother

It'll be okay...

Despite some set backs with getting on the road this morning, I arrived around 10:30 and got to spend about 4 hours with my family.  My niece wasn't even 24 hours old yet!  My sister did a natural birth (after being induced) and little Miss Millie entered the world on Wednesday about 3pm.  

We are planning on going to visit as a family a little later in the month once they have gotten established a little.  She's a keeper!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Being Silly with Daddy

Whatcha doing, Momma?!
Nathan's doing much better and is back to his normal self.  He is teething (incisors) and has a bit of a cold, but that's pretty typical for him.
Happy Hump Day!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Two for Tuesday

Sadly, we did something today that we're not proud of. We sent Nathan to daycare when he should have stayed home.  He had been running a fever Monday, but we could not figure out why.  He was teething, but it was higher than the normal low grade temperature that he has when teething.  But, Barry's work was slammed (the week of a holiday is always busy due to the sales one of the vendors they ship for has) and I had to get work done for my boss who is leaving for India on Friday.  SO, we gave  him Tylenol and prayed a ton that he'd be able to make it till at least lunch.

Thankfully, we had no phone calls and no problems the whole day.  The only question I got when I picked him up was if there was something wrong with his eye (his left eye was red & puffy).  He did well this evening so we're hoping that he'll continue to feel well and get back to his normal self.

Shame on us :(.