Hanging out on the couch while Momma gets dinner made! Isn't it cute how Nathan sits with Barry to have a snack?
We've had a rough week with Nathan being sick and then it hit Barry. Here's a re-cap of our week:
Monday - Nathan wakes up in the night & throws up - stays home with a fever & diarrhea.
Tuesday - Fever is gone, but diarrhea continues - Nathan stays home.
Wednesday - Nathan seems better & goes to daycare; call at 1:30 to come pick up because of diarrhea.
Thursday - Nathan seems back to normal & goes to daycare; call at 9:45 to come pick up because of fever.
Friday - Nathan & Daddy stay home so no more calls from daycare; Daddy is sick.
Saturday - Daddy is sick. Nathan is very whiny. Momma is trying to run the whole show.
WHEW! We have tried so hard to get back to normal and it just isn't happening! Barry got the virus that Nathan had (although unrelated to Nathan) and is struggling to get back to life. Nathan actually has a molar popping in which is the reason for his unease Saturday and into Sunday.