
Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Two for Tuesday

 What a crazy outfit -- a jacket since it's 49 outside now and shorts since the high is in the 80s!
With Mrs. Brittany (at daycare)

It's true.  Our baby is moving out of the Babies Room at daycare.  This is his last week.  Now that he's been doing one nap a day, I feel more confident to letting him move over where there is no crib to lay down in and just one scheduled nap time.  He's confident in trying to get around so I expect that walking is just around the corner.

Happy Tuesday!

Monday, April 29, 2013


We're trying to have a brave face.  Maybe these animals will help!

Sunday was a better day for us -- Barry's had fewer trips to the bathroom and Tylenol has been helping Nathan.  So a few more light-hearted moments were had!

Nathan is getting pretty good at doing the shape sorter -- he's got the circle down (as you see in the video) and tries the other shapes too.  His fine motor skills are advancing and he's trying things that he has been unsuccessful in the past.  He's doing really well at turning the light switch off (with one finger, even!).

Sunday, April 28, 2013

My two sickies

Hanging out on the couch while Momma gets dinner made!  Isn't it cute how Nathan sits with Barry to have a snack?  

We've had a rough week with Nathan being sick and then it hit Barry.  Here's a re-cap of our week:

Monday - Nathan wakes up in the night & throws up - stays home with a fever & diarrhea.
Tuesday - Fever is gone, but diarrhea continues - Nathan stays home.
Wednesday - Nathan seems better & goes to daycare; call at 1:30 to come pick up because of diarrhea.
Thursday - Nathan seems back to normal & goes to daycare; call at 9:45 to come pick up because of fever.
Friday - Nathan & Daddy stay home so no more calls from daycare; Daddy is sick.
Saturday - Daddy is sick.  Nathan is very whiny.  Momma is trying to run the whole show.

WHEW!  We have tried so hard to get back to normal and it just isn't happening!  Barry got the virus that Nathan had (although unrelated to Nathan) and is struggling to get back to life.  Nathan actually has a molar popping in which is the reason for his unease Saturday and into Sunday.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

From the car seat...

Nathan is too funny with these shoes!  He doesn't wear them during the week because they don't end up staying on at daycare (that's why we have the baseball slippers), but on the weekend, they are our go-to shoes.  He's been doing this for the last week or so:
 As soon as he gets situated in his seat, he's undoing them!  He'll sit the whole ride with them open like this!
"Momma, really?!  Do you have to take my picture?"

Can you believe on April 27 that we'd be wearing jackets?  Nathan even had long sleeves on under his jacket!  It was a rainy chilly morning and we actually didn't stop wearing coats until late in the day.  Nothing like doing errands in the rain.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Friday Frolics

 This is what Nathan does best -- getting where he wants to go using whatever he can hold onto!
Here Kitty Kitty!  I'll play with you! 

I had some extra time with Nathan this week and just loved it!  He is getting so active and wanting to try all sorts of new things.  We had a paper towel roll emptied this week so I gave it to him for his "do-duh-do" and  demonstrated how to talk into it.  He immediately put it up to his mouth, but since he doesn't know yet how to make the right sound, just chewed on it!  Later he came back to the roll and handed it to me to make the noise.  Too funny.  I read on one of my parenting emails that often at this age, they only need to see you do something one time before they mimic you -- and that might be a week later after they saw it.

Hopefully our little guy will be back to feeling like his normal self and the weekend will be fun.  More work on the car is scheduled.  Fun!

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Boogie Fever

Well, the sickness is still hanging around.  We made it till 1:30pm on Wednesday until they decided that they'd had enough of Nathan (5 bad diapers).  Barry got him and they had a fun afternoon together (with no problems, either).  This morning we thought all was well -- no bad diapers and just a bit of teething going on.  But, I got a text at 9:30am saying that he had a fever and we needed to get him.  I do believe that it was teething related (because somehow it dropped in the hour it took for me to get to the daycare), but what can you do when they don't want your son at daycare?  It just meant that we got to have some time together!

I found this birthday card in some things I was going through in the office and knew Nathan would love it.  He has a fever, but how much more fun to have "Boogie Fever"?!  We danced to this all afternoon!

We're not even going to try for daycare tomorrow.  Barry'll keep him home and get over this crud!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Two for Tuesday (Sick edition)

 Trying to have fun even though he's not feeling well
Being twins with Momma and going on a walk

The fever didn't really break until Tuesday morning so it was another day at home.  Nathan seemed to be feeling better, but continued to have bad diapers.  Poor thing!  His butt was so raw.

Since he was doing better today, we went for a little walk in the neighborhood.  Toward the end it was too much and I was trying to race home (forgot the paci for the walk!).

We're optimistic about going back to daycare on Wednesday.  Hopefully he'll be doing better!

Monday, April 22, 2013

Happy Birthday, Daddy!

With the infamous birthday sign
With his gifts (a Spot book, a baseball card, & the magnetic frame)

What a way to start your birthday!  We woke up at 1:30 to hearing Nathan moving around and making noises.  Barry checked him and couldn't see anything wrong so came back to bed.  At 2:15, he was still making noises so I got up to see what was going on.  I could smell poop when I went in the door so I picked Nathan up.  It was everywhere!  I cleaned him up the best I could and was holding him on my lap when he threw up.  I went to clean up and handed him over to Barry and then Barry got thrown up on.  Happy birthday, Daddy!

So, Barry went off to work with very little sleep, but at least we opened his gifts before he left!  Nathan was very excited about the frame that says I love my Daddy and wanted to carry it all around.

Then, Barry got to work overtime!  Woo hoo!  What a perfect birthday! NOT.

We're hoping to do dinner over the weekend.
Happy Birthday, Barry!

Sunday, April 21, 2013

More Soccer Fun

Mr. Mark (Mrs. Stephanie's husband) is a photographer extraordinaire and took these pictures of Nathan at the soccer game yesterday.  What a cutie!

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Soccer Game with Mrs. Stephanie

 Talking on the phone
Giving big hugs

This was the first weekend that we've been able to go out to the soccer field to see Brent play.  We went several times last year so we were excited to go again.  We got to see Brent score 2 goals but his team still lost.  Go Red Team!

Friday, April 19, 2013

Brushing Teeth

 "I can do this, Momma!"

So, Nathan got more boo boos at daycare today -- his upper lip & the side of his nose.  Poor thing!  He doesn't seem affected by it and in fact was ready to go this morning to get into trouble! :)  Our favorite worker, Tammy, says that she's going to call him Evil Kenevil because he keeps getting into crazy places that they have to rescue him from.

On the subject of teeth, tooth number 7 (on the top) has poked through.  Yippee!

Thursday, April 18, 2013

It's Thursday!

I had to take these pictures to show my friend at work that Nathan was wearing the outfit she gave for his birthday.  I was a little concerned that the pants wouldn't stay up, but since they were elastic, they seemed to be okay.  His shirt says 2 Fast 4 You 2 Catch.

Do you see the boo-boo on his forehead?  I did that.  Boo hoo!  We were on the front steps and he got too close to the edge.  I wasn't quick enough and he fell into the grass.  Thank goodness it was the grass.  His previous boo-boos are almost gone.  You can see that the skin is darker on the tip of his nose and below his nose, but that's it.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Daycare Anniversary

 One year ago...

No smiles in either picture, but what changes have occurred!  Wow!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Two for Tuesday

One year ago...


Sunday, April 14, 2013


Nathan was practicing walking...  He's doing better.  We'll see what happens.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

It's Spring!

Woo hoo!  I'm big enough for the car (of course, I still need to learn to pick up my feet so that I can be pushed easier).
 What, Momma?!  I'm playing with Daddy in the grass.
A family pic by our neighbor's bush

Friday, April 12, 2013

It's Friday!

Good Morning!
"Do I have to wear all these clothes again?!"  
(It was in the 40s this morning... The last two mornings it was in the 60s & 70s!)
"Nope, I won't smile.  You can't make me."
"Well, I might smile.  No, I can't do it.  Why do I have this on my head?"

Hope that you have a great weekend!  I'm trying to keep my expectations low so that I don't make too many plans.  We might get to a soccer game and the Jeep may get some more work done on it.  We'll see what else transpires.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

14 Months Old

Yes, I know that Nathan's been 14 months old for a few days, but we tried to do some turtle pictures last night.  The turtle worked with us very well, but Nathan not so much!

The boo boo on his face is healing well, he's standing and trying to get places standing upright (instead of scooting), he continues to make lots of sounds, and he's trying to get into everything.  Most mornings he'll go back and forth between being with me in the bedroom and going to find Daddy.  He's got a healthy appetite, but has a hard time with the "real" food instead of the purees.  He'll eat the baby food all day long, but when you give him real peas or green beans or whatever, he's not interested.  He's wearing a combination of 18 months clothing and 12 months -- but mostly 18 despite the fact that it's big.

What a big boy!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Throwing the Ball

 Good follow through!
The tongue hanging out is sure to help!

Nathan was practicing rolling and throwing the soccer ball last night.  It's coming along, but he'd rather just chase after the ball instead of play with you.

[The nose has a new scab on it, but still doesn't look as bad as last Wednesday!]

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Two for Tuesday

I wanted to show you how much Nathan's face has healed in 6 days!  Wow!  The worst scab which is under his nose fell off on Monday, but you can hardly tell anything had happened.  Isn't it amazing how God has created our bodies to heal?!  Maybe by the end of the week it'll be back to normal.

Here's a throwback picture -- 1 year ago.  We were just returning from Easter weekend at my sister's in VA.  The weather had been so beautiful that the irises had already bloomed.  They haven't yet this year.  Look at that Sweetie sleeping...  Those were the days!

Monday, April 8, 2013


The weather has been so nice that we went over to our neighbor's yard and swung on the swings!  Nathan loved it! :)

The grass is getting green & long so it'll be my task tonight (now that the mower's been readied for spring) to get some mowing done.  While it seems like we had a longer winter than normal, the weather was really never terribly cold.  Highs in the 70's and 80's this week means that we need to get clothes switched for the season, plastic off the windows, and the car serviced so we can have air conditioning again!  Please pray that this last thing -- the air conditioning serviced -- would not be a huge cost.  We need to get it working so that we can live this summer.  There's too much driving in the car to go another summer without air.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Scooting & the Soccer Ball

Anybody can kick the soccer ball while standing up... but Nathan can do it while scooting.  (He can do it standing up too!)  Go, Nathan, go!

Saturday, April 6, 2013

That tongue!

With the coming of new teeth, Nathan has his tongue out trying to figure out what's going on in his mouth!  It's a funny thing to see.  He still only has the 6 teeth, but he's working on the other two.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Big Boy

Look at the cute jammies that my nephew shared with us!  What a big boy we have! :)

Our temperatures have been warming up and we're excited for the nice weather this weekend.  Maybe we'll get out to a soccer game!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

An accident

Nathan had a run-in with the cement and it won!  

I got a call at work today that Nathan had an accident.  Seems that when the state worker was at the daycare today she didn't get the door closed tightly.  As he's practicing walking, he was moving across the wall and across the door.  Since it wasn't latched, he fell through.  I had no idea that the damage was this bad, but what can you do?

He hasn't reacted poorly tonight even as I put more Neosporin on it so we'll see what happens!

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Two for Tuesday

I'm a cool dude!
Crazy hair day (do you see it on the left?)

Two more teeth popped in over the weekend!  He had bad diapers on Monday so I'm sure the other two will pop in sooner or later.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Easter Bunny?!

With my sister, Katherine

"Woo hoo!  I'm a little Easter Bunny!"

What a cutey pie!