I know that I've been absent this week and maybe I'll tackle that subject tomorrow, but I'm back today to share about some big savings.
I haven't done a real good job figuring out how to shop at Walgreens and doing their deals with their rewards bucks. To me, I don't have the time to strategize the deals and hope that all the items are at the store to match the list. I did have it pretty much mapped out -- what items I would buy together to get the most reward bucks to then spend on the next transaction, but it was disappointing when we got to the store and they didn't have everything I wanted.
This is the breakdown:
Dove deodorant - FREE
Off Clip-On Refills - $2.99
3 Scotch Tape - FREE
Gillette Fusion ProGlide razor - FREE
2 Kotex - $6.98
Not shown: 2 candy bars $0.78
Tax $3.38
Total: $14.00, savings: $35.38 or 72%
I think that I did a fairly good job. I might try to check out another Walgreens tomorrow and see if I can find a couple of the things that I didn't get tonight, but I'm pretty satisfied with what I got.
I'm trying to get some items together for some relief efforts our church is doing for Memphis. We got some body wash for $0.49 at Target and 5 washcloths for FREE at Kohls. Hopefully we'll get a few more good deals tomorrow so that we have a good bit to donate.